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PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi - PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi - PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi - PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi

PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi

PIR Sensor is a passive infrared sensor which senses IR (Infrared) emitted by humans (all objects emit a certain amount of IR). A hotter object emits more IR than a colder one.The PIR Sensor is also called as Pyroelectric IR Sensor, Passive Infrared Sensor or IR Motion Sensor. The applications of PIR are Burglar Alarm, Motion detected Floor Lamps,...

We are featured in Top 20 Arduino Blogs on Feedspot - We are featured in Top 20 Arduino Blogs on Feedspot - We are featured in Top 20 Arduino Blogs on Feedspot - We are featured in Top 20 Arduino Blogs on Feedspot

We are featured in Top 20 Arduino Blogs on Feedspot

We are excited to announce that our FactoryForward Blog is featured on feedspot on Top 20 Arduino and Raspberry Pi Blogs. It’s a great pleasure for us to improve our blogging experience to our users. We thank them for motivating our hard work and it will help us to deliver more contents in the future.Feedspot selects blogs on the...

ISD1820 Arduino Voice Record/Playback Tutorial - ISD1820 Arduino Voice Record/Playback Tutorial - ISD1820 Arduino Voice Record/Playback Tutorial - ISD1820 Arduino Voice Record/Playback Tutorial

ISD1820 Arduino Voice Record/Playback Tutorial

The Voice Record Module is based on the ISD1820 chip, a multiple‐message record/playback device.It can offer true single‐chip voice recording, non-volatile storage, and playback capability for 8 to 20 seconds. The sample rate is between 8.0 KHz to 3.2 KHz for the duration of 8 to 20 Seconds for the Recorder.This module use is very easy to use, which...

Voice Controlled Home Automation | Google Assistant | NodeMCU - Voice Controlled Home Automation | Google Assistant | NodeMCU - Voice Controlled Home Automation | Google Assistant | NodeMCU - Voice Controlled Home Automation | Google Assistant | NodeMCU

Voice Controlled Home Automation | Google Assistant | NodeMCU

In our previous tutorial, we have created a Home Automation using NodeMCU and Blynk. Using Blynk, we can control the devices anywhere in the World. We connected our NodeMCU with an optocoupler based relay and programmed it with Blynk code. Actually, it's very simple and no programming knowledge is required.Now in this tutorial, we will add an additional feature...


HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino

The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is a distance measuring sensor which is used in many applications like obstacle avoidance robot, Car parking sensors, Sonar, Autonomous robots and many more. The distance measuring range is from 2cm to 4 meters. It is more precise than IR Sensors. Because its measuring capability does not get affected by light and also it can...


IR Proximity Sensor with Arduino

IR Proximity sensor is a simple Infrared Sensor which is used to detect obstacles. This is a multipurpose sensor and used in many robotic applications like Obstacle avoidance robot, Line Follower Robot, and any other obstacle detection projects. This is an Active Infrared sensor, it emits and detects its own IR rays. A passive infrared sensor only detects the...


Add 16×2 LCD Display to your Arduino Projects

16×2 LCD is an alphanumeric display that can show up to 32 characters on single screen. You can display more characters by scrolling the texts one by one.It can be used with all Microcontroller boards like 8051, AVR, Arduino, PIC, and ARM Microcontrollers.Most projects require an LCD display to communicate with the user in a better way. Some projects...