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Formatting an SDXC card for use with NOOBS - Formatting an SDXC card for use with NOOBS - Formatting an SDXC card for use with NOOBS - Formatting an SDXC card for use with NOOBS

Formatting an SDXC card for use with NOOBS

According to the SD specifications, any SD card larger than 32GB is an SDXC card and has to be formatted with the exFAT filesystem. This means the official SD Formatter tool will always format cards that are 64GB or larger as exFAT.The Raspberry Pi's bootloader, built into the GPU and non-updateable, only has support for reading from FAT filesystems (both FAT16 and...

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Raspberry Pi | Python - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Raspberry Pi | Python - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Raspberry Pi | Python - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Raspberry Pi | Python

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Raspberry Pi | Python

DHT11 is one of the most used Temperature and Humidity Sensor. It is cheap, compact and provides a reliable data, it is best for a DIY electronics projects.The DHT11 can measure Temperature between 0 to 50° C with ±2 °C accuracy. It can measure Humidity between 20 to 80% with ±5% accuracy. The sampling rate of DHT11 is 1 HZ...

Resistor Value Calculator - Resistor Value Calculator - Resistor Value Calculator - Resistor Value Calculator

Resistor Value Calculator

Resistors are used to limit the flow of current in the Circuit. There are different values of resistor available from ohms to Giga Ohms. You can calculate the resistance value of a resistor using color coding. It consists of 4 bands. The first two bands denote the digits, the third band is the multiplier and the fourth band is...