Covid19 – FactoryForward Shipping & Support Update
- We’re happy to inform you that we are resuming deliveries in orange and green zones. As per government guidelines, we will be delivering essentials in red zones.
- We are complying with governments Zonal classification for deliveries in Green, Orange or Red Zone. Owing to this, Our delivery timelines may get affected
- If your zone is converted to Red Zone or Non Deliverable Zone after you placed the order or while the order is on Transit. Your delivery might be delayed.
As nearly 70% of our support team is working from home. For any Queries please contact us through We will try to reach you as soon as possible
Your Safety is our Priority! Here how we ensure safe delivery for your products
- No-Contact Deliveries through our Courier Partners
- Hygiene and Health checks – All our warehouse and support team is provided with Masks, Gloves and has been trained to follow personal hygiene Practices.
- Our Facility is Sanitised and cleaned on Regular Intervals.
We are committed to Serving you and thank you for your support. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe.