Ardupilot APM 2.8 Mega Flight Controller Board

Ardupilot APM 2.8 Mega Flight Controller Board

Ardupilot APM 2.8 Mega Flight Controller Board

2,699.00 (2,287.29 + GST)

Out of stock

2,699.00 (2,287.29 + GST)

Availability: Out of stock SKU: 2114 Category: Tags: , , ,


Ardupilot Mega APM 2.8 is a professional quality autopilot that is based on the Arduino Mega platform. It is a completely open-source platform and you can find the firmware and software are available on the web. This software is constantly updated with new and improved features by a team of core developers as well as the huge community around the world. This autopilot can control Quadcopters, fixed-wing aircraft, Boats, multi-rotor helicopters, as well as traditional helicopters.


  • It is a full autopilot capable for autonomous stabilization.
  • Way-point based navigation and two-way telemetry with XBee wireless modules.
  • Supporting 8 RC channels with 4 serial ports.
  • GPS Support for programmed auto-pilot missions with 3D waypoints. Also has optional external GPS interface.
  • Built-in Compass as well as the external compass interface available.
  • ArduPilot Mega consists of the main processor board and the IMU shield.
  • One of the first open source autopilot systems to use Invensense’s 6 DoF Accelerometer/Gyro MPU-6000.
  • Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03, from Measurement Specialties.
  • Onboard 4 MegaByte Dataflash chip for automatic data logging.
  • This is designed to be used with the 3DR uBlox GPS with Compass so that the GPS/Compass unit can be mounted further from noise sources than APM itself.

Basic Ardupilot Components:

  • APM Hardware – The APM 2.8 Board.
  • APM Firmware – The firmware that runs on the hardware (APM 2.8 MEGA).
  • APM Software – The software runs on your PC.

You will be using the downloadable mission planner software to configure and control your Ardupilot board. The software feature includes

  1. Point-and-click waypoint entry, using Google Maps.
  2. Select mission commands from drop-down menus.
  3. Download mission logs files and analyzes them.
  4. Configure APM settings for your airframe.
  5. Interface with a PC flight simulator to create a full hardware-in-the-loop UAV simulator.
  6. See the output from APM’s serial terminal.

Package includes:

1 Pc x Ardupilot APM 2.8 mega Flight Controller Board

Useful Links:

Github –

Website –


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